New Glasgow Christian Youth Group

Monday, January 14, 2008


Hey Losers!

Next week we are starting youth group back up and it is the normal time of 7:30 pm until 8:45 pm at the Church. We will probably have a fun night just to get back into the swing of things with a short devotion. If you would like to trade some of your horrible Christmas gifts, such as the tacky sweater your aunt probably gave you, bring it, maybe someone will trade something with you. Anyways remind people about it as you see them and I'll see you next week.

Also, January 23 there will be no regular youth group because the lectures are going on. Instead there is a youth night on Wednesday from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm with a free concert by The Silent ( and Somers ( They are two pretty good bands and some of you may have seen The Silent before as they've played on the Island a few times.
posted by Darrell at 9:20 AM


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