New Glasgow Christian Youth Group

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Christmas PARTAY!!!!!!

In the pic above, you may note the 3 extra wise men

What Time Is it?
Hey guys, not sure about you... but this time of year really gets me excited, especially after all this snow happening. Just a reminder to you losers, that there is youthgroup this coming Wednesday night and it will not be at the Church, but at the games room in Cavendish.
If your unsure of where this is located, please email Darrell or James, as soon as possible and we will attempt to get you instructions on how to get there.
When you are there, we will be of course playing lots of games which will be awesome!!!Then we will do our Yankee swap like we do every year. It should be a great time, don't forget to bring me... I mean bring a $3.00 gift to exchange.
See you there!
posted by Darrell at 4:29 PM


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